
Quality management for systemic treatment of breast cancer

BJMO - volume 12, issue 1, february 2018

D. Verhoeven MD, PhD, F.P. Duhoux MD, PhD, E. de Azambuja MD, PhD, H. Wildiers MD, PhD, P. Vuylsteke MD, A. Barbeaux MD, N. van Damme PhD, E. Van Eycken MD


Limited literature is available about quality management in systemic treatment of breast cancer patients. Professionals are the key players in the identification and interpretation of quality indicators. The Belgian Society of Medical Oncology takes the lead in the field of quality management of systemic treatment for cancer, especially breast cancer. A narrow collaboration with the Belgian Cancer Registry will allow benchmarking. The results will be presented and discussed between peers of the society. This should lead to better outcomes for all Belgian centres. All Belgian Society of Medical Oncology members are called for active participation

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2018;12(1):15–21)

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Adjuvant treatment for uterine cancers, a review of the current evidence

BJMO - volume 10, issue 2, april 2016

L. Duck MD, J-F. Baurain MD, PhD, C. Kirkove MD, R. Poncin MD, A. Barbeaux MD, V. Malvaux MD, J-C. Verougstraete MD, J-L. Squifflet MD, PhD, M. Luyckx MD


To date, the main treatment of loco-regional uterine cancer is surgery. The benefit of adjuvant treatment depends on the subtype of cancer, stage, and risk factors. We describe here the current evidence-based data supporting the administration of adjuvant treatment after surgery, with a focus on chemotherapy.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2016;10(2):63–68)

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