
P.12 Oncological Home-Hospitalization in Belgium – Concept for optimizing ambulant cancer care

BJMO - 2017, issue 3, february 2017

L. Cool , J. Missiaen , D. Vandeghinste , S. Degraeve , M. Desmedt , M. Lycke , T. Lefebvre , H. Pottel , V. Foulon PhD, PharmD, P. Debruyne MD, PhD, D. Vandijck , K. Van Eygen

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Sunitinib reduces physical activity (assessed with a pedometer) in a patient with metastatic kidney cancer: a case study

BJMO - volume 6, issue 1, february 2012

L. Pottel , H. Pottel , L. Viaene , M.A. Debels , P.R. Debruyne

This report describes the case of a patient with metastatic renal cell carcinoma that was treated with sunitinib (50 mg, 4/2 schedule). Daily blood pressure and physical activity were measured during 12 consecutive cycles of treatment. Average blood pressure recordings showed an upward trend during all the on-periods of sunitinib administration and a downward trend during all the 2-week off-periods. Interestingly, physical activity, assessed with a pedometer, demonstrated a highly significant opposite pattern. This case study demonstrates for the first time that physical activity can be temporarily reduced by sunitinib treatment and that a pedometer could serve as a valuable (mechanical) marker to assess this side effect of sunitinib treatment. Moreover, since its negative correlation with hypertension, it might also serve as a marker for sunitinib efficacy.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2012;6:22–25)

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