
Bladder preservation in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer

BJMO - 2021, issue SPECIAL, march 2021

N. Sundahl MD, PhD, N. Martínez Chanzá MD, prof. J. Catto

During the 2021 Belgian Multidisciplinary meeting on Urological Cancers (BMUC) three presentations were given on the subject of bladder preservation in muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). The first presentation by Dr. Nora Sundahl, from the department of radiation oncology, University of Gent, Belgium, addressed the question whether it is best to use radio-chemotherapy, radio-immunotherapy or a combination of all three in patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). Dr. Nieves Martinez-Chanza, from the Medical Oncology department at Jules Bordet Institute, Brussels, Belgium, aimed to answer the question whether neo-adjuvant immunotherapy is already good enough as a treatment option. Lastly Prof. James Catto, professor in Urological Surgery at the University of Sheffield and Urological Surgeon at Sheffield Teaching Hospital discussed four common clinical assumptions around radical cystectomy (RC) and the role of RC in current practice. Although there is some overlap in the discussed topics we will honour the presenters interpretations of the subject by discussing them separately.

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An update on the management of metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma: the BSMO expert panel recommendations

BJMO - volume 14, issue 2, march 2020

B. Delafontaine MD, C. De Backer MD, B. Beuselinck MD, PhD, P. Debruyne MD, PhD, L. D’Hondt MD, PhD, C. Gennigens MD, PhD, T. Gil MD, C. Vulsteke MD, PhD, N. Martínez Chanzá MD, A. Verbiest MD, PhD, M. Strijbos MD, PhD, G. Van Lancker MD, G. Pelgrims MD, S. Rottey MD, PhD, On behalf of the BSMO Uro-Oncology Task Force Group


The management of recurrent or metastatic renal cell carcinoma is evolving fast, with new therapeutic options becoming available that may improve the outcome of patients. In this paper, recent evolutions are discussed and recommendations are made regarding the management of renal cell carcinoma in a Belgian context.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2020;14(2):56–70)

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Neoadjuvant treatment in bladder Cancer

BJMO - 2019, issue Special, march 2019

N. Martínez Chanzá MD


Although non-metastatic muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) can potentially be cured with a trimodal approach in well-selected patients, radical cystectomy remains the reference treatment to date. However, there is a significant rate of recurrence after a radical cystectomy. This risk of recurrence is highly stage dependent and recurrences are commonly seen under the form of distant metastases.1 The predominant cause for these recurrences is the presence of occult micrometastases at the time of cystectomy. For this reason, there is interest in combining definitive surgical or radiotherapeutic treatment for localized disease with systemic chemotherapy for occult metastases. In this respect, several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assessed the efficacy of peri-operative chemotherapy in the management of MIBC. During the 2019 annual BMUC meeting, dr. Nieves Martínez Chanzá reviewed the available peri-operative treatment landscape in MIBC and discussed emerging data on checkpoint inhibitors and predictive biomarkers in this setting.

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3rd Belgian Multidisciplinary Meeting on Urological Cancers

BJMO - volume 10, issue 6, september 2016

T. Vermassen PhD, R. de Wit MD, PhD, R. van Velthoven MD, PhD, S. Albisinni MD, N. Martínez Chanzá MD, F. Aoun MD, MSc, E. Seront MD, PhD, S. Rottey MD, PhD


Due to the success of last year, a third national Belgian Multidisciplinary scientific meeting on Urological Cancers was held with the cooperation of medical oncologists (BSMO), urologists (BAU) and radiation oncologists (ABRO/BVRO). It was a great opportunity to build bridges between these three important specialisms involved in the treatment of urological cancers.
The steering committee of the meeting consisted of J.P. Machiels, G. Pelgrims, S. Rottey (members of BSMO), L. Hoekx, S. Joniau, T. Roumeguere (members of BAU), O. De Hertogh, G. De Meerleer and Y. Neybuch (members of ABRO-BVRO). The third meeting, held in La Hulpe, Brussels on March 5th, 2016 was a great success with more than 100 attendees of the different specialisms involved.
In this report of the meeting you can find a summary of the most important lectures given at the symposium.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2016;10(6):232–235)

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