
Using artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of breast cancer: First results after implementation in a radiology department of a breast clinic

BJMO - volume 16, issue 3, may 2022

I.G.G.M. Biltjes MD, P. Bracke MD, N. van den Eede MD, D. Verhoeven MD, PhD, S. Haegeman MD, W. Volders MD


Artificial intelligence (AI) is being rapidly introduced in the daily practice of the medical professions. Here, an AI algorithm specialised in the detection of suspicious breast lesions on 2D and DBT images was used. This is a product from RMS: iCAD-ProFound 2D-3D Mammography. The first experiences are now presented, highlighting the advantages and pitfalls of the system.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2022;16(3):114–8)

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Real life cost of treatment and follow-up of patients with glioblastoma in Belgium: a retrospective patient chart review

BJMO - volume 12, issue 7, november 2018

N. van den Eede MD, A. de Paepe MD, D. Strens MSc, P. Specenier MD, PhD

We calculated the management costs from diagnosis to death of glioblastoma patients treated at the Antwerp University Hospital between 2007 and 2016. Overall, the average cost per patient from the health care payer’s perspective was €45,165 (95% confidence interval €37,204–€54,104). The major cost driving factor was hospitalisation.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2018;12(7):334–338)

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BJMO - volume 12, issue 3, february 2018

N. van den Eede MD, P. Specenier MD, PhD, A. de Paepe MD

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