With the increasing use of immunotherapy, more and more questions rise on the management of specific immune-related adverse events (irAEs) that are associated with these agents. Unfortunately, guidance on long-term irAE management is currently lacking and as patients with auto-immune disease or organ transplants were often excluded from clinical trials, there is also a lack of data on the use of immunotherapy in these setting. As irAEs can affect any organ system, it is not always easy to recognise and manage these adverse events in a timely manner, making multidisciplinary collaboration essential. To address these unmet needs, the Belgian Multidisciplinary Immunotoxicity Board was set up. During their talk at the BSMO annual meeting, Sandrine Aspeslagh, (MD, PhD, University Hospital Brussels, Brussels, Belgium) and Marthe Verhaert (MD, University Hospital Brussels, Brussels, Belgium) discussed the rationale, aim, and first results of this BITOX initiative.