
Management of Mucinous Ovarian Cancer in 2020: literature survey

BJMO - volume 14, issue 6, october 2020

M-P. Graas MD, N. Blétard MD, M. Bourhaba , C. Focan MD, PhD


In this article the authors reviewed literature regarding mucinous ovarian carcinoma (MOC), which represents a special challenge as a rare ovarian tumour (about 3%) with unique clinical characteristics as compared to serous ovarian carcinoma (SOC). MOC is mostly diagnosed at an early stage and is generally associated with an excellent prognosis. However, later stages usually remain resistant to medical treatment, with early deaths occurring. Overall, advanced MOC patients seem 2.3 times more likely to die of their tumour as compared to SOC patients. Anatomo-pathological diagnosis and distinguishing between primary and metastasised MOC remains difficult and sometimes inconclusive, despite the contribution of immunohistochemistry (IHC) and/or molecular biology. The preservation of fertility is currently conceivable in younger patients with an early stage disease.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2020;14(6):246-53)

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Demons-Meigs syndrome secondary to an ovarian Brenner tumour: Case report and literature survey

BJMO - volume 13, issue 7, november 2019

A. Coveliers MD, M-P. Graas MD, J. Weerts MD, N. Blétard MD, C. Focan MD, PhD


This oncocase reports the exceptional case of a 65-year-old woman presenting a Demons-Meigs syndrome characterised by dyspnoea issuing from a transsudative pleural effusion together with an important unilateral right ovarian mass and ascites. The diagnosis of a Brenner type histology, a rare and generally benign ovarian affection, was obtained after complete surgical removal of the ovarian tumour. Once discharged, the patient entered in a sustained complete response and thus potential cure.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2019;13(7):301–4)

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