Volume 14, Issue 7, November 2020



Clinical management of first-line advanced triple-negative breast cancer patients

M. Rediti, K. Punie, E. de Azambuja, E. Naert, D. Taylor, FP. Duhoux, H. Denys, A. Awada, H. Wildiers, M. Ignatiadis


Optimal systemic treatment for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: current clinical evidence and new insights based on tumour immunobiology

S. Cappuyns, J. Dekervel, E. van Cutsem, S. Tejpar, C. Verslype

BELFIGO - A retrospective observational study to evaluate the treatment patterns of mCRPC patients in Belgium treated with radium-223

E. Seront, F. Jamar, K. Goffin, I. Billiet, V. Vanhaudenarde, A. Van den Eeckhaut, Sofie Willems, P. De Wil, A. Sacré, N. Mahy, R. Bierlaire, J. Deferme, D. Schrijvers